Accessible Beyoglu

The ICT4Society movement took attention of Beyoğlu District National Education Directorate, and they ask our NGO to develop accessibility map to analyse wheelchair accessibility condition in their schools and also places in Beyoglu.

ICT4 Society Project

ICT4Society is an initiative that aims to ensure the inclusion of physically disadvantaged individuals in social life by using digital tools. ICT4Society aims to increase accessibility of buildings and spaces in cities and raise accessibility awareness.

18 FEBRUARY 2021
Erasmus+ Wikipedia Workshop

Participants in this event; They will gain competencies on topics such as what is open data, what is Wikipedia and how to add articles to Wikipedia. In the light of the competencies gained, together the Erasmus+ article will be added to Wikipedia.

19 February 2021
International Fika

International Fika is an online english language exchange programme where young people from different countries connect and speak their english while they are enjoying their drink.