With this project, I met awesome people

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Nobis nostrum error numquam nulla distinctio sint iure minus harum dolorum? Eligendi est repellendus tempore. Explicabo, sequi.

An Unforgettable Journey To The Balkans

Not only did I have a chance to explore quite a little and cute city, Prizren, but also I got to know many different people from various countries and cultures thanks to this amazing experience.

I was very excited from the first moment

Ben Şeyma, 02-09 Temmuz tarihleri arasında Kuzey Makedonya'nın Struga Şehrinde Erasmus+Gençlik değişimi kapsamında düzenlenen “Advocacy for Human Rights Share to Change” adlı projeye katılma şansı yakalayan beş gönüllüden biriyim.